
Updated Construction Plans, October 2022

Hey Neighbors,

IQHQ’s construction plans for October of 2022 include continuing set up for construction of the new buildings. What will we see?

  • Complete demolition of two buildings (see diagram)
  • First tenting to begin (see diagram for locations)
    • What is “tenting”? IQHQ has agreed to “tent-and-vent” wherever they will ultimately build. The tents also have HEPA filters (also known as “vents.”) The tent and the vents work to contain and suck up any and all asbestos fibers. IQHQ will then have all contaminated soil under a given tent taken to a special dump, which is certified to take asbestos. Once all contaminated soil has been removed from under a particular tent, construction workers will strike the tent and set it up over the next area to be de-contaminated.

IQHQ plans to have their Construction Updates website up and running soon. As soon as it is, we’ll post details here. Meantime, you can always find construction updates here on the News tab of ASG’s website.